The Film Development Corporation (FDC), known as the birthplace of the film industry, has seen a decrease in activity due to the decline in film production, leading to fewer filmmakers and artists visiting. However, during election periods for different organizations, FDC becomes quite vibrant. Currently, FDC is buzzing with excitement due to the upcoming election of the Film Directors' Association. The voting for the 2025-26 term of the association will take place on Friday.
Leading up to the day, FDC is already bustling. In the election, two panels are competing: the Mushfiqur Rahman Gulzar and Shafi Uddin Shafi panel is competing with the slogan "If you give us your vote, we want to revive the film industry," while the Shahin Shumon and Shahin Kabir Tutul panel is contesting with the slogan "We are with you, we have been with you, and we will always be with you."
Abdul Latif Bachchu holds the position of Chief Election Commissioner, with A.J. Rana and B.H. Nishan serving as Assistant Election Commissioners.
A total of 391 voters will participate in the election, with voting taking place from 9 AM to 5 PM. It is worth mentioning that the election was initially planned for December 28, 2024. Kazi Hayat is the current president of the Film Directors' Association for the 2023-24 term. The Election Commissioner has confirmed that voting will take place between 9 AM and 5 PM.
Bd-pratidin English/ Afia