The sequel to ‘The Batman’, directed by Matt Reeves, has been delayed once more and is now set to be released on October 1, 2027. It was originally planned for October 2025, then pushed to October 2026, and has now been moved again.
The delay means fans will have to wait five years since Robert Pattinson first played Batman in 2022. In response to concerns about the long wait, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn explained that long gaps between sequels are normal. He gave examples like 7 years between Alien and Aliens, 14 years between The Incredibles, 7 years between the first two Terminator movies, 13 years between Avatar films, 36 years between Top Gun movies, and 6 years between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Vol. 3, reports TBS.
Despite limited details, Reeves confirmed Colin Farrell's return as The Penguin, and the sequel will remain separate from the main DC Universe, continuing its "Batman Epic Crime Saga."
Alejandro González Iñárritu's untitled project starring Tom Cruise takes the vacated 2026 slot, and other Warner Bros releases have reshuffled dates, including Pattinson's 'Mickey 17'.
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