Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner SM Sazzat Ali said several groups of people are taking the streets aiming to press their demands, but it is not the proper way.
He made the statement while addressing general meeting of Crime Reporters Association of Bangladesh (CRAB) at the Boat Club in the capital on Wednesday.
The Commissioner said: “As people take the road, the traffic situation in Dhaka city has become fragile. Especially, problems arise more on Mirpur, Airport and Rampura Road. Occupying the highway to realize the demands is not a solution.”
At this time, the Commissioner requested to choose an open field or meeting place for the demands.
He said that after August 5, the members of the police force were somewhat inactive, but efforts are being made to overcome them.
Expressing Police’s desire of changing their 15-years attitude, he said: “It is not possible to change it overnight, they also need trainings.”
The DMP Commissioner said that the police are working to prevent the increase in robberies across the country in recent times.
Bd-Pratidin English/ Afsar Munna