Finally, the film "Rickshaw Girl," directed by Amitabh Reza, is being released. After a long wait, film-loving audiences will be able to watch it in various theaters across the country. Based on the novel by American author Mitali Perkins, the film was originally scheduled for release in 2020 but had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A new trailer for "Rickshaw Girl" was released on Sunday, along with the announcement of the film's release date in the country. Starting from January 24, viewers can enjoy "Rickshaw Girl" in cinemas across the country.
Amitabh Reza's "Rickshaw Girl" follows the story of a young, artistic woman named Naima, who has a passion for painting. However, when her only breadwinner father unexpectedly falls ill, she is forced to face challenges. Unable to earn money from her art, Naima, left with no alternative, takes to the streets driving a rickshaw. As the story unfolds, it becomes increasingly complex, raising the question of how Naima will pursue and achieve her dreams.
Novera Rahman takes on the lead role in "Rickshaw Girl." The cast also includes Champa, Momena Chowdhury, Naresh Bhuiyan, and Allen Shubhro, among others.
Novera portrays Naima, while Momena Chowdhury plays her mother, and Naresh Bhuiyan takes on the role of her father.
After the release of the trailer, interest in this first-ever joint production between the United States and Bangladesh has grown in the film industry. There is currently a buzz online! "After uploading the trailer and poster, it has created a stir in the digital world," says Executive Producer Md Assaduzzaman.
Bd-pratidin English/ Afia