Senior Awami League leader Haji Iqbal was arrested by police on Sunday in connection with multiple criminal cases. Iqbal, known for his 2017 "Hai Mujib Hai Mujib" chant at Chattagram Press Club on August 15, was apprehended near Bandar Police Station No. 2, close to Malum Bari Jame Masjid.
At 63, Iqbal is the son of Ali Akbar from South Central Halishahar, Chattagram. He previously served as the organizing secretary of the Chittagong Port Thana Awami League and president of the Bangabandhu Sainik League in Chittagong Metropolitan.
Iqbal faces several criminal charges filed across multiple police stations, including Port and EPZ. He is a prime suspect in the 2018 murder of Jubo League activist Mohiuddin and is a key figure in the high-profile case.
According to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Mass Media) Kazi Tareq Aziz, Iqbal was arrested early in the morning and is being taken to court in connection with a Special Powers Act case filed at Bandar Police Station. He also has two pending cases against him at Bandar and EPZ police stations.
Bd-pratidin English/ Jisan