Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have had an unexpectedly trying month of January. Earlier this month, an attempted burglary at their Satguru Sharan residence in Bandra, Mumbai, went terribly wrong as Saif sustained as many as six serious stab injuries while attempting to protect his family. He was taken the nearby Lilavati Hospital and rushed into emergency surgery.
The Pataudi couple have now gone a step ahead and decided to fence in their balcony with wiring. Visuals of the work under way have been doing the rounds of social media since Tuesday, reports Hindustan Times.
The family has largely kept things quiet on their end as they heal from the ordeal they were put through. That being said, preventive safety measures now no longer appear an 'option' for them.
Bd-pratidin English/Fariha Nowshin Chinika