Indian film director Srijit Mukherji is famous for releasing numerous films nearly every year. His latest film, ‘Sotti Bole Sotti Kichu Nei’ is scheduled for release soon.
Bangladeshi audiences know this director as a “son-in law” of the country. About four years ago, Srijit married Bangladeshi renowned actress Rafiath Rashid Mithila.
Rumors of a rift in their relationship have surfaced, as the couple has been living on opposite sides of the border for a while. Despite this, Srijit and Mithila have ignored the speculation.
Recently, in an interview with Indian media, the director spoke about his current work as well as his personal life. Although the conversation did not touch upon his marriage or love life, Srijit mentioned that he feels "got caught." But why and in what context did he say this?
Srijit Mukherji revealed that his original ambition was to become a sports journalist. But now, he is working as a film director. He explained that he is a big fan of cricket, even preferring it over music. According to him, food and then cinema are his next interests.
As filmmaking came later in his life, Srijit said, "It's true. I’ve actually gotten caught. I never intended to make films for so many years. My dream was always to be a cricket journalist. I’ve envisioned it since the days I used to ride my scooter past the ESPN office in Bangalore."
Bd-pratidin English/ Afia