Popular small screen actors of this generation Yash Rohan and Tanjim Saiara Totini have acted together in a drama titled “Kachakachi Duijon.”
Maruf Hossain Sajib has written and directed the play.
Speaking about the play, Yash Rohan shared, “I have a greater admiration for playwright Maruf Hossain Sajib than for him as a director. I truly appreciate his scripts, which is why I often engage in discussions with Sajib Bhai about various stories and scripts. The story of “Kachakachi Duijon" is equally captivating. Totini, a close friend of mine, is also a talented actress. I have a deep respect for her performances, as she always gives her full attention and dedication when in front of the camera.”
“I’ve acted several projects with Yash bhai but it’s my first work with Sajib bhai. I feel quite comfortable acting with Yash bhai. We have tried our level best to portray ourselves according to the character. I hope the audience will enjoy the drama very much”, Totini shared.
Earlier, Sajib directed two plays, “Kotha Bondhu” and “Khushi," featuring Yash Rohan. “Kotha Bondhu” was aired earlier last year, while “Khushi" is set to be broadcast on the upcoming Valentine’s Day.
Bd-Pratidin English/ARK