Indian National Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is facing legal action after being accused of injuring two Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MPs during a confrontation between the Treasury and Opposition benches outside Parliament. Following a complaint by BJP members, a police case has been filed against Gandhi, alleging assault and provocation.
The incident reportedly occurred during parallel protests outside Parliament’s Makar Dwar, where tensions ran high between the two political factions. BJP MPs Pratap Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput sustained head injuries and are currently hospitalized, according to NDTV.
Former Union Minister and BJP MP Anurag Thakur, along with MPs Bansuri Swaraj and Hemang Joshi, filed the complaint, accusing Gandhi of attempted murder under sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Samhita. “Today, we filed a complaint against Rahul Gandhi for assault and provocation. We detailed how Gandhi pushed BJP MPs during a peaceful protest, leading to injuries that required hospitalization,” Thakur told reporters.
Pratap Sarangi alleged that he was injured after Rajput was pushed by Gandhi. “I was standing near the stairs when Rahul Gandhi pushed a fellow MP, who then fell on me, causing me to fall and sustain injuries,” he said.
In response, the Congress party lodged a counter-complaint. Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge alleged that BJP MPs pushed him during the altercation, resulting in leg injuries.
BJP Rajya Sabha MP Phangnon Konyak criticized Gandhi’s behavior during the protest, claiming he shouted at her and acted aggressively. “It was a peaceful protest. He accused us of blocking his way, which was not the case. His behavior was unbecoming of the Leader of the Opposition,” Konyak said, adding that she has filed a formal complaint with the Rajya Sabha Chairman.
The allegations and counter-allegations have highlighted the escalating tensions between India’s ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress, sparking a heated political debate and raising questions about the conduct of lawmakers during public demonstrations.
Bd-pratidin English/ Jisan