Dhaka’s popular actor Nirab is currently juggling multiple projects, with a growing list of commitments beyond his film career, including various shows. In an exciting update, he has revealed his role in the upcoming film 'Golaap', directed by Shamsul Huda. Written by Anik Biswas, the film's first look recently unveiled.
The director of the film said, "Making a movie has always been a dream of mine, and it’s finally coming true. I’ve embarked on this journey only after reaching full readiness and maturity."
Actor Nirab shared, "I prefer not to reveal too much about the film, but I can say it’s a suspense thriller. I’m confident it will captivate everyone."
The film’s shooting will begin in mid-February, with scenes set to be filmed in Dhaka and Syedpur.
The director aims for a theatrical release during Eid-ul-Adha.
Bd-Pratidin English/ARK