Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Sheikh Md. Sajjat Ali said an appeal will be filed to cancel the bail of top terrorists who have been released from prison on bail.
He also said that many complaints are coming about top terrorists and the police are monitoring their activities.
He said this at a meeting with the leaders of the newly elected committee of the Bangladesh Crime Reporters Association (CRAB) on Tuesday afternoon. Additional Police Commissioner (Crime and Operations) SN Md. Nazrul Islam, CRAB president Mirza Mehedi Tamal and general secretary MM Badshah also spoke at the meeting held at the DMP headquarters.
The Police Commissioner said that OC Shah Alam, who fled from Uttara Purba Police Station, has not yet been arrested. He has probably fled to India. The two people involved in this incident have been dismissed due to negligence of duty.
The DMP Commissioner said, “The uniforms of Bangladesh Police, RAB and Ansar are changing. The Ministry of Home Affairs has approved separate uniforms for the three forces. It will be effective after the approval of the Chief Advisor. However, even if the uniforms of the police as a force are changed, it is not changing in other units. That is, the entire force will wear the new uniforms that have been changed. We will all wear the same uniform. There will be no separate uniforms according to the unit as it was before.”
The police chief said, “If we cannot bring it under license, it will not be possible to control battery-powered rickshaws. With the way battery-powered rickshaws are increasing, we will not be able to roam on the streets in the coming days.”
He said, “I have said the same thing in various places including the ministry, road transport authorities. I have talked a lot about rickshaw control, also written letters.”
Giving advice on solving this problem, he said, “We have to take steps to control it. We can give regulatory approval according to the condition of our roads, cities and the towns. We have initially said that the license fee will be fixed at Tk 100 or 200. If this is done, it will be understood which is legal and which is illegal. Some are entering Dhaka city from outside and some from within Dhaka.”
Bd-pratidin English/Lutful Hoque