Education Minister Dr. Dipu Moni on Friday said teachers are not allowed to give private tuition to the students of their own classrooms.
"Teachers force the students of their own classroom to take private tuition from them in the coaching centres, which have been prohibited by the law...Even if the students do not go to the coaching centres, they (teachers) give lower marks to students," she said, reports BSS.
It is completely unprincipled if teachers make students obligated to take private tuition from them at home or coaching centre, she added.
Mentioning that the existing laws encourage proper study at educational institutions, Dipu Moni said, "That's why private tuition in the coaching centres has been prohibited by the laws of the country."
The minister made the remarks after attending the inaugural ceremony of the BCB Councillor Cup T20 cricket tournament at Chandpur Stadium on Friday afternoon.
Bd-pratidin English/Tanvir Raihan