Procrastination is a common and frustrating experience that causes anxiety, and it's something we all deal with in some way. The interesting part is that it's not a reflection of being a bad person, poor worker, or out of control—it's simply because the human brain is naturally inclined toward it.
The biology behind procrastination
Procrastination can be explained by a conflict between two areas of the brain when faced with an unpleasant task. The limbic system, which controls the pleasure center and operates unconsciously, often battles against the prefrontal cortex, the more recent part of the brain responsible for planning. When the limbic system wins—something that happens frequently—it leads to delaying tasks that should be done today, providing temporary relief from the discomfort of having to do something you don't want to do.
Here’s some scientific insight to help you stop blaming yourself (or your upbringing or zodiac sign) and start understanding procrastination as a biological response. The limbic system, one of the oldest and most influential parts of the brain, operates automatically. It’s responsible for basic survival instincts, like telling you to pull your hand away from a flame—and also prompting you to avoid unpleasant tasks. Essentially, it pushes you to seek "immediate mood repair," as explained by Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa and author of The Procrastinator's Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastination Puzzle.
The prefrontal cortex is a newer and weaker portion of the brain that allows you to integrate information and make decisions. "This is the part of the brain that really separates humans from animals, who are just controlled by stimulus," Pychyl says. The prefrontal cortex, located immediately behind the forehead (where we tap when we're trying to think), gets the job done. But there's nothing automatic about its function: You have to kick it into gear ("I have to sit down and write this book report!"). The moment you're not consciously engaged in a task, your limbic system takes over, and you give in to what feels good, which is anything but that book report—you procrastinate.
How to break the habit of procrastination using mindfulness
While understanding the mental processes behind procrastination helps explain the habit, it doesn’t solve it. One effective way to tackle procrastination is by outsmarting it. You can retrain your brain to respond differently to tasks you find unpleasant. How? Through mindfulness. Don’t be discouraged by the buzzword—mindfulness is something you can practice anytime, anywhere, by simply becoming fully aware of your surroundings and your inner experience in the moment. By noticing and being curious about the sensations triggered by things like hunger, avoidance of a task, or anxiety around certain situations, you can reduce anxiety and break the cycle of negative habits like procrastination.
“Our brains learn through a system based on rewards,” explains Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, director of research at Brown University Mindfulness Center and author of The Craving Mind. “Mindfulness taps into this reward-based process, helping us break free from it." He explains that the typical habit loop works like this: trigger, behavior, reward. It's a survival mechanism—seeing food, eating it, and feeling rewarded when your brain gets a dopamine signal. However, this loop also fuels anxiety, worry, and procrastination. It works in the opposite direction when it comes to avoiding tasks.
For example, when faced with a project, the task itself is the trigger. The behavior is to avoid it for a temporary sense of relief, and the reward is that short-term escape from the discomfort. But this relief doesn't last, and it only feeds the cycle of procrastination.
Dr. Brewer points out that mindfulness helps break these loops. First, it allows you to see how unrewarding the old habit is—simply by becoming aware of the anxiety and discomfort procrastination brings, without judgment. Just noticing this feeling helps highlight how unhelpful it is.
Second, mindfulness provides a healthier alternative by fostering curiosity. Engaging with your feelings, emotions, and physical sensations can be more rewarding than staying disengaged. “We can train ourselves to replace procrastination with curiosity,” Dr. Brewer says. “Mindfulness helps us see the positive results of actually getting our work done."
According to Brewer advice, try doing your work early, or on time, without letting it hang over you. Focus, turn off distractions, and engage in single-tasking. Notice the sense of accomplishment, pride, and relief when the task is done. Over time, mindfulness can help you retrain your brain to experience this positive reward loop instead of the cycle of procrastination. Next time you’re tempted to procrastinate, pay attention to how you feel and compare it with how much better you feel after completing the task. You'll soon find that the positive reward feels much more sustainable.
Source: Real Simple
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