Veteran actress and dancer Anjana Rahman has been undergoing treatment in a private hospital in Dhaka and is in critical condition. She is currently being treated in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU), confirmed by the actress's son, Nishat Moni.
Nishat stated that his mother's condition is not good. He urged everyone to pray for her.
The actress caught with fever 15 days ago. After a few days, her condition worsened, eventually leading to her hospitalization.
His son said, “Infection in blood was detected after several tests. However, despite receiving treatment for the past few days, she has not recovered yet.”
“My mother did not want anyone to know about her illness. She thought she would recover soon and did not want to bother anyone unnecessarily,” he added.
Requesting prayers for her mother, he said, “I once again ask everyone to pray sincerely for my mother.”
Anjana acted in over three hundred films in her career. However, she is not seen much in the film industry nowadays. She frequently appears at various showbiz events with a smile on her face.
Source: Kaler Kantho
Bd-pratidin English/Fariha Nowshin Chinika