BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman said, “Conspiracies against the party and the country are still going on. The mischief of evil people is still active. It is happening both inside and outside our country as many people are looking at the financial resources and natural resources of this country with greedy eyes. If chaos can be created in this country, it will be a good opportunity for them. If a weak, unpopular government is kept in power in this country, then they will be able to loot and steal a lot. If someone who speaks about the country and thinks about the country, is in charge of running the country, then the interests of the country and the interests of the people will be safe. Those who are looking at the country with a vulture's eyes, they will think 10 times about stealing natural resources of this country.”
He said this while speaking as the chief guest while virtually participating in the departmental workshop held in Narsingdi on Thursday evening to implement the 31-point plans to repair the state structure and ensure public involvement. Tarique Rahman said, ‘BNP will implement the 31-point plans if it gets the opportunity to go to state power. For this, it will have to go to the people to get support for the 31-point plan at any cost. There is no other way. The dictator has fled due to the involvement of the people, but conspiracies against the country inside and outside the country have not stopped yet. Currently, the struggle to protect independence and sovereignty has begun. We have to build a safe Bangladesh for future generations through struggle.”
The acting chairman of BNP further said, “Until August 5, our objective was to remove the dictatorship. Now, we have to work to protect the country’s independence, sovereignty and democracy as well as to provide economic freedom to the people of the country. Martyred President Ziaur Rahman took to the field with a spade in hand to improve the fate of the people of the country. As the leader of that party, you have to work for the improvement of the fate of the people.”
Bd-pratidin English/Lutful Hoque