Mashiur Rahaman Ranga, who was recently relieved from all posts of Jatiya Party, said they would place a letter in writing to the speaker informing the process to remove Raushon Ershad from the post of opposition party leader in the parliament was not correct.
Opposition party chief whip Ranga said he was relieved from the party due to his disagree to remove the opposition party leader.
Clearing his stance about the ongoing crisis in the party, he said he was not informed about the agenda of the meeting of parliamentary committee of the party where the decision was taken.
“I informed the speaker that it (removal of Raushon) was not done following the proper way as there are rules of everything and nothing out of the rule will be acceptable,” he said adding that he will object to the speaker about the issue.
In general, the speaker nods the decisions taken by most of members.
Mentionable, Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader removed Ranga from all the posts by exercising his power given by the party constitution on September 14.