Popular small screen actor Tawsif Mahbub and singer-actor Sabrina Porshi have teamed up for a Valentine’s Day drama. The drama, titled "Moneroi Ronge Rangiye," is penned and directed by KM Shohag Rana.
The shooting of the drama started in Jaflong, Sylhet on Thursday. Producer of the project Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz said, “The story needs natural beauty and picturesque locations that’s why we selected Jaflong for the drama shouting.”
Regarding the story, director Sohag Rana said, “Though the drama is for Valentine’s Day, it is not only a love story. At the same time, it is a story of love awakening.”
In addition to acting, Porshi has also lent her voice to a song for the drama. She has sung a duet with Arfin Rumey. Robiul Islam Jibon has written the song, composed by Rumey.
“Moneroi Ronge Rangiye” will be released on the YouTube channel of Cinemawala on the occasion of Valentine’s Day.
Bd-pratidin English/ Afia