China’s ‘metal storm’ weapon can fire millions of rounds per minute, scientists claim
China’s ‘metal storm’ weapon can fire millions of rounds per minute, scientists claim

Chinese scientists are developing a machine gun capable of firing bullets at an unprecedented ratepotentially the fastest in history. The weapon, which is described as a metal storm, consists of five or more barrels, each capable of firing 450,000 rounds per minute. The resulting barrage has an...

How food cravings trigger your brain's reward system and affect mental health
How food cravings trigger your brain's reward system and affect mental health

During challenging times, we often turn to comfort food for reassurance. After heartbreak, we crave something sweet, and at other times, cravings seem to appear out of nowhere. Cravings arent exclusive to womens PMS phase; men experience them too. Some even talk about sharing pregnancy cravings...