Police arrested Mashiur Rahman, the central vice president of the banned organization Chhatra League. He faces separate cases filed at New Market, Shahbagh, and Dhanmondi police stations.
He was arrested by police at 8 pm on Wednesday in front of BCSIR at Science Lab.
Mohsin Uddin, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of New Market Police Station, said that Mashiur Rahman faces separate cases filed at New Market, Shahbagh, and Dhanmondi police stations. The charges against him include his involvement in the attacks on students and the public during the July Uprising, as well as an attack on the convoy of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.
On Thursday (today), he will be presented in court. If necessary, the police will seek a remand for further questioning, he added.
Bd-Pratidin English/ARK