Interim government adviser Mahfuj Alam has stated that the July Proclamation will not be announced by January 15. However, he feels that the delay will not be too significant. He has also expressed hope that students will remain patient.
He made these remarks on Thursday afternoon during a briefing at the auditorium of the Foreign Service Academy in Dhaka.
He said, “Formal discussion regarding this matter(July Proclamation) will take place with other political parties from next week. If the proclamation is announced based on the collective opinions of all concerned parties, then it will be much more effective”
The adviser also mentioned that the reformation process would begin as soon as the reform commission reports are submitted.
Regarding local elections, Mahfuj Alam said, “It is difficult to deliver services through administrators. Citizens are not receiving adequate public services. Local government elections, if held, would facilitate service delivery.”
On the topic of national elections, he added that the date for the elections would become clear after discussions with political parties.