The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Noakhali held an EGP Open Online Tender Lottery on Sunday, marking the first such event in 16 years. Tenders worth Tk 75 crore were distributed among 93 groups through a transparent lottery system from 11 am to 2 pm, with contractors and coordinators from various political and social groups, including BNP, Jamaat, and the anti-discrimination student movement, in attendance.
The lottery was overseen by LGED Noakhali Executive Engineer Azharul Islam. Other notable attendees included District BNP leader and LGED Welfare Association President Abdul Matin, District BNP Joint General Secretary Liaquat Ali Khan, and District Chhatra Dal General Secretary Abu Hasan Noman, along with senior engineers and journalists.
Contractors expressed satisfaction with the process, highlighting it as a welcome change from the alleged irregularities during the previous government. General contractors stated that during the past 16 years under the Awami League government, tenders were often monopolized by a few individuals through corrupt practices, depriving many eligible contractors of opportunities.
Abu Hasan Noman, General Secretary of the District Chhatra Dal, praised the lottery system, calling it a "pleasing democratic method" and expressing hope that all future tender processes would follow this model.
Bd-pratidin English/ Jisan