Even at 84, he embodies the essence of youth - still lively, active. Age has not diminished his spirit, but rather inspired a renewed sense of vigour. His deep-seated faith in the power of youth keeps him remarkably vibrant, driving his creative and innovative pursuits. He remains dedicated to contributing to global well-being.
Now he is in charge of Bangladesh. Prof Muhammad Yunus is not only the chief adviser of Bangladesh but also an icon of the world youth, a global leader of young people. At the core of Prof Muhammad Yunus’s philosophy is to harness the inexhaustible energy of the youth.
He believes that the world will develop only if the talent, thoughts, creativity and innovation of the youth are used. There is a need to create opportunities for young people, involve them in policy-making to get rid of war, climate risks and poverty. Prof Yunus has been working all his life to create opportunities for young people.
Everything he did, everything he thought revolved around the dreams of the youth. And now the Nobel Peace Prize winner has created an example for the whole world by bringing the youth to the fore in the governance of the country. Bangladesh will be a model of world change in the coming days.
When Bangladesh was passing through a difficult time, the weight of dictatorship pressed heavily upon the country and everyone was frustrated after being unable to find a way out, an unprecedented awakening of the young people took place here. The July uprising was actually a youth revolution, an expression of their collective protest.
The youth protested against the conventional system, corruption, irregularities, arbitrariness and fascism. Many people did not understand the language of this protest, the dreams and aspirations of the youth, many still do not. But Prof Muhammad Yunus realised.
He knew that only the youth can remove the imposed rock from the chest of Bangladesh. Finally, when the youth freed Bangladesh from fascism spanning 15 and half years, they were looking for a leader who could take the country forward with the youth to build a new Bangladesh.
The youth did not take much time to think. They decided instantly. Prof Yunus will be the chief adviser to their interim government. But the question comes to their mind whether the introverted man who avoids publicity and likes to indulge in his work will involve himself in such political activities.
Earlier in 2007, he was requested by the then army officers. But he refused that request. He made it clear that politics is not his work and he was doing his job which is the welfare of people. But this time he could not turn away. He could not say ‘no’.
The main reason for this is his genuine love for youthfulness and his faith in the youth. And he took the responsibility of the guardian to take this victory of the youth to the final port. On landing at the airport on 8 August, he directly said, “The opinion of the youth must be taken and the participation of the youth must be ensured in all activities. The youth will be at the centre of decision-making.”
Basically, Prof Muhammad Yunus’s interest led to the inclusion of some members of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, who led the student uprising, in the advisory council. Youths are included in various reform commissions as well.
Many people have criticised this, but in the end, this decision has been praised all over the world. The position of the youth at the centre of state power is a unique example for the world. It is Prof Muhammad Yunus was not a sudden decision, but a practical embodiment of the beliefs and thoughts he had cherished throughout his life.
Prof Muhammad Yunus believed in the power of the youth all his life. He wanted to rely on the youth. He said in his speeches, the youth will change the world. A saying of Prof Muhammad Yunus is very popular all over the world. He always says, “Our thoughts are old-fashioned, but young people bring new ideas, bring new innovations and that can change the world.”
There is a kind of reliance and deep faith in the youth in the work of Prof Muhammad Yunus. He respects the youth, understands their thoughts, gives importance to their opinions and welcomes new thoughts.
Prof Muhammad Yunus has put the youth at the centre of all his activities. He always believes, “The youth can, the youth will be able to do” and that’s why he has become the voice of global youth, world youth leader and the true guardian of the youth.
He discovers the power within the youth and creates opportunities to harness this power. And for this reason, the most popular figure among the youth of all countries is Prof Yunus as he can speak the language of the youth and evaluate their thoughts.
In different universities of the world, young people want to listen to the speeches of wise, virtuous, scholars and successful people in different fields of society on various occasions. And Prof Yunus is on top of the list of interests.
He was invited to universities in different parts of the world, to awaken the potential of the youth, to inspire the youth. More than 60 universities around the world now have social business clubs.
There is no end of the world where Prof Yunus did not speak in the universities. He was honoured with the post of chancellor in various universities. He is a visiting professor at several universities.
The fact that remains Prof Yunus is the icon of the youth and the leader of the world youth. He has established more than 4,000 social business labs in the world, which are led by the youth. These labs have opened a new horizon to change the world through social business.
Basically from the microfinance programme to Prof Yunus’s social business, from social business to the ‘Three Zero’ theory, everything revolves around the youth.
Prof Muhammad Yunus is working so that those who will lead the world in the future get a habitable world and can develop it as a place of peace. He started the microfinance programme in 1974 when he was young and self-confident.
Likewise, throughout his career, he sought to develop the talents of young women. If we analyse the structure of Grameen Bank, we will see that there is youth enthusiasm and youth inspiration. Young people are creative, they can think of new ideas, and they can go outside the circle and make a new plan.
They can clean up the waste of society and the state. That’s why Prof Yunus is in favour of bringing young people to the leadership of state management. And the world will change only if it is implemented - he has developed the microfinance programme in a multi-dimensional way.
He has adopted an integrated development plan and worked to implement it, where his main soldiers are the youth, who are the dreamers. Prof Yunus’s social business activities are mainly youth-oriented.
One thing this Nobel Peace Prize-winning economist always says is, “Young people will not look for jobs, they will give jobs. They will each become an entrepreneur.” This theory of entrepreneurship and the development of social business through entrepreneurship are widely accepted today to transform the world economy.
Above all, this is the best way to use the young people who are full of endless vitality. As a result, an unemployment-free and optimistic young generation is created. Nothing is impossible for them.
Social business is becoming increasingly popular in countries around the world. Social business is giving young people a new path to explore. Young people are realising their potential. Their confidence is increasing and Bangladesh is proof that young people who are strong in confidence can achieve anything impossible.
The thinking of Prof Muhammad Yunus is far-reaching and far-sighted. Sometimes, these cannot be understood through ordinary eyes. Many feel that youthful reliance may frustrate veterans. The value of experience will be underestimated. But in reality, it is not, rather Prof Yunus believes that it is possible to build a beautiful world by combining the energy of the youth, their enthusiasm, their courage and the experience of the elders.
He dreams of that beautiful world and is a brave warrior in that dream journey. He won many victories in this fight. Not only in Bangladesh, the young society of the world is also now depressed in many ways. There is no ideal and guide before them. Young people are often neglected and deprived. Their ideas are not accepted by society.
Sometimes the elders do not understand the thoughts of the youth. As a result, we cannot bring our world’s vibrant youth to the centre of economic and political infrastructure. Their creativity is not valued. It is a waste of the state, a loss to the world.
But in the case of Bangladesh, Prof Muhammad Yunus has an excellent opportunity in this regard. After taking charge, he has been inspiring the youth time and again, creating opportunities for them. Incorporating their views into state decision-making, he has brought the youth to the policy-making place of the state.
We are now seeing many new things. We have a kind of inexperience and reluctance to accept the new. But this will be the foundation of the future of Bangladesh. The new Bangladesh is being built by the combination of experience and the creativity of the youth which is less noticed by all. We will get the result later.
Prof Yunus does not have any political ambitions of his own but he feels that the joy of the youth is necessary to move Bangladesh forward. And this is why the initiative of the youth political party is welcomed.
It is a unique talent to break down the barricade of age and understand the youth and understand the heartbeat of the youth. Those who can welcome new ideas, and new plans, those who are not afraid of change, are modern progressive people. Prof Yunus is such an advanced man. He is always eager to open doors to new possibilities.
Young people always lead the way. If we analyse the history of Bangladesh, we will see that the Language Movement of 1952, the Liberation War of 1971, the mass movement of the 90s and the revolution of 2024 are all triumphs of the youth. So there is no necessity to take new tests for the youth to understand what they can do.
The youth can change the world. But they should be given that chance. One of the pioneers in creating that opportunity is Prof Muhammad Yunus. And that’s why, when young people around the world search for an ideal, when no one gives them hope and expectation and wants to suppress them, the image that inspires them is of Prof Muhammad Yunus.
He is singing the song of liberation of the youth throughout his life. He always has faith in the talent, thoughts and ability of the youth. And that is why he is now the voice of the world youth, the world leader of the youth. Young people in Bangladesh today are in the driver’s seat. This will be the world model in the future.
Bd-pratidin English/Tanvir Raihan