Durbar Rajshahi management said on Wednesday that they have allowed the players a three-day break 'upon request made by some cricketers' after completing their group phase in the ongoing Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).
Earlier on the day, it was being reported that the franchise asked the players to leave the hotel.
But Rajshahi in a press release clarified their stance.
"Upon request made by some cricketers, the Durbar Rajshahi management has decided to give them a three-day break. The request was mainly made by the players who reside in Dhaka. However, those, who live outside Dhaka, will be staying at the team hotel in Dhaka along with the foreign cricketers and coaching staff. The players, who have residence in Dhaka, can also check in the team hotel anyday," a Durbar Rajshahi press release read.
Rajshahi have already finished their league phase campaign in the ongoing BPL T20 with six wins from 12 matches and is currently sitting at third place in the points table.
Bd-Pratidin English/ARK