3 health benefits of walking after dinner, experts say
3 health benefits of walking after dinner, experts say

For many, dinner is the most substantial meal of the day. After a long day and with eight hours of job life, feeling satisfied is a top priority. However, a big meal can sometimes lead to uncomfortable fullness that youd like to ease before bedtime. This is where the post-dinner walk comes in....

Just 5 minutes of walking can work wonders
Just 5 minutes of walking can work wonders

Research shows that even a short amount of walking one of the most accessible forms of exercise can help set you up for success when working toward other fitness achievements. Research shows that 11 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise per day may lower your risk of cancer, cardiovascular...

Boost your health with these 5 easy walking tips to transform your wellbeing
Boost your health with these 5 easy walking tips to transform your wellbeing

Physical activity doesnt have to be complex. A quick 10-minute walk every day can provide many health benefits, reducing the risk of diseases like heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. By making a few small adjustments to how you walk, you can make this simple activity even more...