India has summoned Bangladesh's acting High Commissioner in Delhi, Md. Nurua Islam, a day after Bangladesh’s summoning Indian High Commissioner Pranay Kumar Verma over the tense situation on the Indian border. New Delhi said that the installation of barbed wire fences on the border is being done in compliance with all protocols and agreements between India and Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh High Commissioner was summoned to the South Block of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) at 2 pm on Monday. This information was revealed through a statement published on the website of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.
In the statement, India said the country is following all protocols and agreements between the two governments and the Border Security Force (BSF) and Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) in terms of security measures, including installation of fences on the border. The country reiterated its commitment to ensure a crime-free border by effectively addressing the challenges of criminal activities, smuggling, movement of criminals and trafficking.
The statement also said that India has taken steps to secure the border by installing barbed wire fencing, border lighting, technological devices and fencing to prevent the movement of livestock. India also expressed hope that the Bangladesh government would make all previous agreements effective with the country and adopt a cooperative approach to combat cross-border crimes.
Bd-pratidin English/Lutful Hoque