Pumpkin seeds: The best snack for back pain and more
Pumpkin seeds: The best snack for back pain and more

Dr. Jeff Winternheimer D.C. calls pumpkin seeds the best snack for back pain, highlighting their high magnesium content, which reduces inflammation, regulates blood pressure, and prevents muscle spasms. They also help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Dr. Rituja Ugalmugle adds that...

Stress could be spiking your sugar levels
Stress could be spiking your sugar levels

Increased stress can adversely affect blood sugar regulation in the body since it is seen that often as a coping mechanism, people tend to binge on high calorie content food. Increase in stress can lead to rise in the sugar levels, thus completely disrupting any control on the levels that may have...

How sugar sabotages your mood, stress, and brain power
How sugar sabotages your mood, stress, and brain power

Its no secret that consuming too much sugar can lead to health problems, and many people are still eating more than they should. The negative impact of sugar on physical health is well-documented, which is why we often discuss cutting back on sugar to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However,...

Unsweetened coffee reduces Alzheimer's disease risk by 30%
Unsweetened coffee reduces Alzheimer's disease risk by 30%

Dietary choices are undeniably linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers, and research continues to explore foods and drinks that may either reduce or increase the risk. Coffee, a widely consumed beverage, is often sweetened with honey or sugar to enhance its bitterness, but how does...

3 arrested with 340 sacks of Indian sugar in Sylhet
3 arrested with 340 sacks of Indian sugar in Sylhet

Police arrested three people with 340 sacks of Indian sugar worth over Tk 20 lakh in the Bandarbazar area of Sylhet city on Saturday night. The arrestees are Md Russell Mia, 33; Md Jubel Ahmad, 25; and Maron Befari, 23, according to a media release sent from Sylhet Metropolitan Police (SMP),...

Which foods are healthy?
Which foods are healthy?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finalized new standards that foods must meet before they can be labeled as healthy. Requirements now include limits on saturated fat, sodium and added sugars. Healthy foods must also contain a certain amount of food from at least one of the key food...