Partly cloudy skies expected over Dhaka
Partly cloudy skies expected over Dhaka

The Meteorological Department has forecast that the sky in Dhaka and surrounding areas may be partly cloudy. This forecast covers the next six hours, starting from 7 am on Friday. The days temperature is expected to remain relatively stable, with dry weather and winds coming from the...

Drizzle likely over parts of country
Drizzle likely over parts of country

Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) on Tuesday forecasted that weather may remain dry with chances of light rain at one or two places over north, central and north-eastern regions for the next twenty-four hours. Weather may remain mainly dry with the temporary partly cloudy sky over the...

BMD forecasts dry weather, fog, and cooler condition across Bangladesh
BMD forecasts dry weather, fog, and cooler condition across Bangladesh

Bangladesh is set to experience dry weather with occasional partly cloudy skies in the coming days, the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) announced Friday. A mild cold wave continues to affect the northern and western regions, including districts like Panchagarh, Rajshahi, and...